Palladium: Erth Timeline

In every culture and society, there are times when it's people do not learn. From these times come an ending and a beginning. The old ways, the failed ways, end and then dissappear while new ways form and evolve. Erth has cultures such as these and is no different. Like many planets in the universe, there are powers that govern and watch over them. At times, these powers that be have called about a time of cleansing or learning. To the scholars of Erth, these times are know as the "Encompassing" and they have been know to occur during both times of good and bad. Some see it as simply a way for the planet and powers to renew themselves. In the end, it is the creatures of Erth that decide when the "Encompassing" will be. And In every culture, there are those who record the events that happen. I am such a person and my name is Ised A'Dux. What I have recorded below is a but a mere shadow, of a splinter, of a grain of events on a beach of history. The dates and times given are in accordance with the Machellian Calender which is based on 12 months, each with three ten day periods along with five special days for holidays and honor. As time goes by I'll make things clearer but to begin with, I will translate from our language things such as dates, months, items, into the words of your language so that you may understand. ---------------------------------- Abbreviations are as follows. BE = Before Encompassing BCE = Before Common Era * CE = Current Era c. = Circa "from Latin," used to mean "approximately" *This simply means it happens in the years before current events. ---------------------------------- -c.660,800,000,000 Years Ago Over six hundred and sixty billion years ago, the planet Erth slowly swirled into existence from elements of the Akasha that orbited the star know as Hellios. -c.325,000 to 000,000,000 BE The Flash and the Encompassing. What was before is gone, but what will be is created. -c.317,000 to 325,000 BE Farmers settle in the "Lands of Plenty" (LOP) -c.300,000 to 317,000 BE The farming town of Chojeri is settled in the Lands of Plenty. It was nothing more than a mud wall with a watchtower, encircling mud homes. It had a population of c.3,000. -c.296,000 to 300,000 BE The town of Hatal has been flourishing for several decades. It's mercantile and trading population is now about 6,000. The pottery and textiles they specialize in are exported throughout the Lands of Plenty. it receives most of it's food goods from the nearby farming town of Cuyuk. -c.281,000 to 289,000 BE Migrant farmers from Towana settle communities in the Vast Sea on the Geanae Islands. -c.276,000 to 281,000 BE In the Salvajae Jungle farming begins to evolve -c.250,000 to 270,000 BE Moving north, farmers from the Lands of Plenty establish towns and trading posts in the northern continent. -c.160,000-200,000 BE The Mersu civilization emerges, develops, flourishes, and collapses. -c.200,000-210,000 BE In the Lands of Plenty, farming begins, as does the development of pottery and linen making. -c.220,000 to 250,000 BE The Age of Chaos -c.200,000 BE The Golden Age of Elven rule -c.152,000-160,000 BE The First Humanoid War -c.106,000 BE The Advantage War -c.106,000 BE The Third Humanoid War -c106,000 BE Time of Magic -c.100,000 BE Time of Drought -c.90,000 BE The Reemergence 000,000,000 The Flash and the Encompassing return brought about by those who did not learn from before. What was, is gone, but what will be is created. -200,000+ years have passed since The Flash. Civilization has regrown. Only scholars and the learned are aware of events before the prior Encompassing.. -c.116,900 years -15,683 Post-CE May Under pressure from the parliment of Tre'an, King La'Man orders the "Estate Governors " to convene and discuss the severe economic crisis facing the country. June Disatisfied with the Parliment's decision, the King issue's the Rouela Edict, aboloshing the Parliment's power to review and vote on Royal decrees. August Under pressure from the Parliment and members of the 3rd Order, the King recends the decree and orders Parliment to reconvene the following year. November The previously unknown group, "Council of Three-Ten" makes it's appearance. -15,684 Post-CE April As per the King's orders, the "Estate Governors" is reconvened after general elections in each province and new delegates are voted in. June Estate Governors meet in Coumiday. July 01 The 3rd Order and 4th Order Tre'estians delegates to the Estate Governors, led by Sa'abie Ayeas, meet seperately from the 1st and 2nd Orders delegates despites orders from the King not to do so. July 17 To garner support and power, the Tre'estian delegates, invite the other delegates to join them in an independent assembly. July 21 The other delegates swing in line with the Tre'estians and form the National Trian Assembly. July 23 Outraged at the usurpe of power, King La'Man prepares to outlaw the National Trian Assembly and calls the loyalist delegates to his aid. July 28 Mob rioting, forces the King to relent and order the loyalist delegates to join with the Assembly. J -15,688 Post-CE The Events as recorded by the Historian Ised A'Dux

in the "Tome of Aforetalis"