HIDE: 30% + 5% per level        (Rogue,Espionage)
-Hide user of skill, vehicles,small biuldings, etc. . . 
-All enviroment skill ( uses camouflage, etc. . .)
-Succesful roll: Hidden ; Unsuccessful roll: Roll again
-Detect Concealment will reveal hidden objects

TAME ANIMAL: 25%/ 30% + 5% per level   (Wilderness)
-First percentile: Capture roll
-Second percentile: Tame/train roll
-Capture &/or tame creatures with animal intelligence( 6 or below)
-Time Requirements: 1D4 weeks + 1 week per IQ point
-Skill Requirements: Track or Track Animal, Ride Animal( if to be ridden), &
language to which it will respond


WP:SHIELD:   ( Weapon Proficiencies )
- +1 Parry with shield at levels: 1,3,5,10, and 15

WP: PAIRED WEAPONS   ( Weapon Proficiencies )
- Use normal Paired Weapons information

LORE: ANIMAL: 25 + 5% per level    ( Technical )
-Can ID species and races of animals, but not monsters.

LORE:MAGIC: 10% + 5% per level    ( Technical )
- Can ID magic symbols, rune items, etc. . .
- Cannot ID Level of magic, but can ID type by effect

LORE:TECHNOLOGY: 40% + 5% per level     ( Technical )
-Can ID type, name, company of equipment 
-Can estimate value of equipment
-Does not include ancient weapons, does include vibro-blades, nuero-maces,
etc. . .

PERCEPTION: (IQ + 20%) + 5% per level      ( Espionage )
-Can be used for a variety of purposes( GMs use your imagination)
    -PCs are in a large warehouse, tracking something.  The thing makes a

noise in a corner.
    -Roll Percentile: Fail: Unsure where noise came from
   : Success: Knows where noise came from
    -Succes; Roll Detect Conceal to find thing ( if hiding)
*NOTE*: Everyone could have Percetion at % = IQ