Palladium-FRPG Mailing List (defunct)

This list is now defunct. I was unable to give it the time commitment it required to keep it running, so I handed it off to Ratinox (who was graciously providing the hardware on which the list was hosted), but there was a catastrophic crash, and I don't believe that the list has ever been resurrected.

Some of the links below may still be valid, however I am not doing any further maintenance of this page, and in all likelihood it will disappear soon.

Officially Supported Palladium pages:

The Palladium FAQ (as posted on the Palladium-FRPG Mailing List):

Palladium-FRPG Mailing List Support:

Links to Palladium FRPG material (referenced on Palladium-FRPG):

Links to other Palladium FRPG pages:

Links to lists of other (non-FRPG) Palladium pages:

Related Palladium Anonymous FTP site(s):

Link(s) to lists of Role-Playing Games (incl. Palladium):

Links to Play-By-eMail (PBeM) References:

Link(s) to net.shops and mail-order houses:

Lists of Other Mailing Lists