Biography: Brad Knowles

Abridged Bio for Brad Knowles

My wife and I moved to Austin (Texas) in March of 2006, and we've been slowly putting our lives back together, after having lived in Brussels (Belgium) for almost eight years. This has been a pretty big adjustment, and so far we've taken some time to get our health into better shape, being able to spend time with our families, getting our financial situation clearly defined, etc....

I was most recently employed as a Senior Consultant for Snow BV, a leading Internet/Unix consulting company in the Netherlands. Prior to that, I was employed as the Systems Architect for Belgacom Skynet SA/NV, the largest residential ISP in Belgium. Previous employers have included Collective Technologies (as a Unix Consultant and Senior Process Consultant for sendmail, DNS, and BIND) and America Online as their Senior Internet Mail Systems Administrator.

Ideally, I would find employment with a consulting company (like what Collective Technologies used to be), which would allow me to do a wide variety of different types of work at different customer sites, while continuing to have a standard salary with typical employment benefits (like insurance). However, I am starting to wonder if I will be forced to start my own consulting company, in order to do the kind of work I like doing, and keeping myself adequately interested and entertained. I fear that if I want that, then I'm going to have to do it for myself.

Meanwhile, I am currently volunteering time and effort in helping the Network Time Protocol (NTP) Project, as their Mail Systems & Mailing List Administrator, and PGP Keymaster, as well as similar work for and the Mailman mailing list management package.

The booklet Internet Postmaster: Duties & Responsibilities for SAGE has recently been published, and I also have a book idea that I've been working on for a couple of years. Slides from the invited talks that I've given at various conferences over the years can be found on my Papers page. My full LinkedIn profile is also publicly available. So are my Flickr stream, and my online videos (via YouTube).

My first bio spoke of almost nothing else but my current and previous jobs. Being an obvious workaholic, I won't bore you with the details here. I will tell you I have a BSCS (1990) from the College of Engineering at the University of Oklahoma, and I didn't really appreciate the quality of my education until I left school and went out into the "real world." I find it truly amazing (and very disheartening) to see people reinvent the wheel so many times, and do such a poor job when they do so.

Anyway, taking a page from other bios I've seen, here's a list of some of my favourite things:

Everything else:

And a few preferences on computer-related topics:

If you want to get in touch with me, the best way is probably by email. Except for when I go on vacation or business trip, I'll probably read my email several times a day and would be most likely to get you back a reasonable response that way.